Algorithm Analysis and Design Concepts
Replace Character
String – Replace Characters
Write a recursive function 'public static String replace(String str,char from,char to) ' that changes all occurrences of 'from' in ‘str’ to ‘to’.
For example, if str were "codebook", and from = 'o' and to = 'e', then, str would become "cedebeek".
Function Definitions:
public static String replace(String str, char from, char to) |
Problem Requirements:
Keyword | Min Count | Max Count |
for | 0 | 0 |
while | 0 | 0 |
Note: Create the main() inside the class 'ReplaceDriver'
Refer sample input and output for formatting specifications.
Sample Input and Output :
Enter the string
Enter the character to be replaced
Enter the character to be replaced with
The modified string is Asii
Result Description
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