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'Freeze', 'Float' and 'Slide' JoSSA counselling 2019

'Freeze', 'Float' and 'Slide'
These three options allow a candidate to either retain the seat allocated or to opt for a change in a seat as per candidate's preference in any of the institutes or in the same institute in which the seat is allocated.
• Freeze option: Candidate is content with the allocated seat, accepts it and is not interested in participating in further rounds of seat allocation. This candidate will NOT be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.
• Float option: Candidate accepts the offered seat and wants to opt for a seat in an academic program of better/higher preference in any Institute if offered in the subsequent rounds. If he/she does not get a seat in a higher preference program, he/she will continue with the currently accepted academic program. This candidate will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.
• Slide option: Candidates accepts the offered seat and wants to opt for a seat in an academic program of better/higher preference within the same Institute if offered in the subsequent rounds. This candidate will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.

 Let us consider the hypothetical case of Krishna. His choices are as follows:

Choice no. -

Institute Program Degree, Years

     1.      IITB Aerospace Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
2.      IITB Civil Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
3.      IITK Mechanical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
4.      IITH Computer Science Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
5.      IITB Chemical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
6.      IITH Electrical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
7.      IIT(BHU) Computer Science Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
8.      IITK Chemical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
9.      IITD Chemical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years
     10.    IITD Production and Industrial B.Tech, 4 years Engineering
11.    IITR Electronics and Communication B.Tech, 4 years Engineering
12.   IITD Engineering Physics B.Tech, 4 years
13.   IITM Chemical Engineering B.Tech, 4 years

Round 1 of seat allocation: Krishna gets IITD Engineering Physics (choice #12)

Possibility #1: Round 1 of seat acceptance:

 Krishna chooses the FREEZE option: 
Krishna is satisfied with the allocated seat, i.e., IITD Engineering Physics. His decision is final and he accepts and gets the seat. He CANNOT participate in further rounds of seat allocation. Final allotment: IITD Engineering Physics.
Possibility #2: Round 1 of seat acceptance:

Krishna chooses the FLOAT option
Krishna accepts the IITD Engineering Physics (choice #12) seat but wants to wait for a seat in the higher preference (i.e., choices #1 to #11) program in the subsequent rounds. He will be considered in subsequent rounds of seat allocation. In the 2nd (or 3rd) round, if he DOES NOT get any of the options #1 to #11, he still retains the IITD Engineering Physics seat.
However, if he gets a seat of higher preference, say, option #5, IITB Chemical Engineering, he will be allocated the IITB Chemical Engineering seat and he loses the IITD Engineering Physics seat.

Possibility #3: Round 1 of seat acceptance: 

Krishna chooses the SLIDE option:
Krishna accepts the IITD Engineering Physics (choice #12) seat but wants to wait for a seat within the same Institute (IITD in this case) for a seat in a program of higher preference (choices #9 and #10). He will be considered in subsequent rounds of seat allocation. In the 2nd (or 3rd) round, if he DOES NOT get either of these two options (viz., #9 or #10), he still retains the IITD Engineering Physics seat.
However, if he gets a seat in one of these two options, say, IITD Chemical Engineering, he will be allocated the IITD Chemical Engineering seat and he will lose his IITD Engineering Physics seat.

NOTE: Krishna is assured of AT THE LEAST the IITD Engineering Physics seat irrespective of whether he chooses FREEZE, FLOAT or SLIDE option.


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