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Accenture Mock Quiz | Part 1

Question 1

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Select the true statement ?

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Question 2

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What is the diagram that depicts the interaction between objects by arranging the objects in time sequence ?

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Question 3

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Select the benefits of OOP ?

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Question 4

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What defines the state of an object ?

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Question 5

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Select the principle that best describes the given scenario. An air-condition can be operated using the button or remote control.

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Question 6

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Select the true statements about Use Case diagram ?

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Question 7

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A flowchart needs to represent a situation to check whether a person is eligible to vote. The system has to consider the person’s age for checking the eligibility. Which of the following constructs should be used?

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Question 8

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Enhancements made to the developed software is called as ………………

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Question 9

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The SRS document should be

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Question 10

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Tom and his team uses the SVN(Configuration Management Tool) to do versioning of source code. Tom has pulled out the code from the SVN server to his local machine, updated his task partially and wanted to update the work back to the SVN server. What is the actual process Tom has performed with the SVN server.

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