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Accenture Mock Quiz | Part 2


Question 10

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Tom and his team uses the SVN(Configuration Management Tool) to do versioning of source code. Tom has pulled out the code from the SVN server to his local machine, updated his task partially and wanted to update the work back to the SVN server. What is the actual process Tom has performed with the SVN server.

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Question 11

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Software was developed for Global Marketing. Few changes that was earlier requested was already incorporated in the delivered software. Now the client does not want the changes and requested for the previous release. Which of the below option would facilitate developer to meet the client needs.

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Question 12

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A Software needs to be developed for a Sterlin Hospital to monitor the radiations given for cancer patients. Even a very minute deviation would result in the risk of the life of the patient. Which would be the appropriate life cycle model used to implement the given scenario

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Question 13

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Unix Terminals are called Dummy terminals as they do not have _____________ capability.

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Question 14

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Pipes are Used to combine two or more commands. The symbol used for representing pipe is ______

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Question 15

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Which of the following layer acts as an interface between user and kernel ?

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Question 16

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Every entry in the UNIX directory file has the following component(s).

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Question 17

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which of the following option can be used ,in order to quit vi editor without saving the work done ?

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Question 18

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What is the purpose of using -a option with ls command ?

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Question 19

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What does DTD stand for?

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Question 20

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Which of the following fragments of XML are well-formed

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