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Accenture TFA MCQ | Part 2


Question 26

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Go-Will department store wants to automate few of its functionalities.From the below options identify the functional requirements of Go-Will department store

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Question 27

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A website for Flight Booking was developed and given to the testing team for testing. It has various fields to enter the data, out of which one of the input field will take the birth year from the user ranging from 1980 to 2060. The boundary values for testing this field are?

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Question 28

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After the development of online website for global pharmacy , it was found that there were interface errors in few of the modules. In which level of testing these errors would be identified.

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Question 29

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In Oracle “Salary number(8,2)” can store which format of data?

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Question 30

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Predict the output of the below SQL Statement

SELECT branch_name, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_name) FROM Account GROUP BY branch_id;

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Question 31

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In traditional approach the information was stored in ____________

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Question 32

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Which of the following keywords is used with Data Control Language statements?

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Question 33

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Which values are ignored by count(*) function?

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Question 34

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What options can be avoided by storing data in centralized repository?

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Question 35

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which of the following option can be used ,in order to quit vi editor without saving the work done ?

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Question 36

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Which command in UNIX displays the list of all the users who have logged into the Unix server?

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Question 37

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Unix Terminals are called Dummy terminals as they do not have _____________ capability.

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Question 38

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What does the below Unix command accomplish? 

$ vi sample

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Question 39

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What does the below Unix command accomplish? 

$ sed 's/ABC/ZYX/' file.txt

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Question 40

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Which of the following layer acts as an interface between user and kernel ?

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Question 41

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If you have to prevent the code from running before the document has finished loading then what Jquery function needs to be used?

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Question 42

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What is used in an HTML page to give instruction to the web browser about the version of HTML being used?

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Question 43

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Which tag in html is used to display a horizontal line (rule) in the document ?

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Question 44

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What would be the code to set all elements under the

tag to green

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Question 45

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What would be the code to set all elements under the tag to green

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Question 46

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What is the output of the following code?

<script type="text/javascript">

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Question 47

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Find out the well-formed xml file

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Question 48

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Comment in XML document is given by

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Question 49

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Which of the following fragments of XML are well-formed

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Question 50

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What is the correct XPATH that selects all the state elements that have a "speak" attribute with a value of "HIN"

Select one:



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